Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Dinner: 19th June

Food Crime

Failed to eat any lunch. Too busy and choices would have been too poor.

Longish drive to Northampton and another premier inn. Away from the town centre, so too hard to go and find anywhere else.

PI is part of the Whitbread group. They are always co-located with a restaurant of one of Whitbread's food brands. These range from down market all the way to even more down market.

This was a bad one. key clues:
- Photos of food on the menu
- Everything yellow

How I hate myself. Anyway...
Went for the two least bad options
- the only salad on the menu (chicken and bacon)
- half roast chicken dinner. This tends to come with some non yellow vegetables and has a minimum amount of sugar over it

The killer is that these both of these come to a tenner. And both are main courses. Compare with yesterday - two main courses for the price of one.

And, of course, the portion sizes are far
far too big.

This is not "value". This is wrong. No one needs portions this size. And at this cost.

It means that the chicken will be some poor battery bird. And the bacon will be some nasty import from some Low welfare source.

Pigs are great. And it's hard enough to eat them at the best of times. I can just about persuade myself that it is worth it if I know they have had a good life, and are treated with respect during and after (see nose to tail eating)

This pig would have never seen the
Outside world. Fed lots of antibiotics to
Encourage growth at an obscene rate. And killed after a few months.

This is not good.

I really dislike leaving stuff (see nose to tail eating again and what your Mum said about starving children in Africa, or whatever). You should just eat what you need and not take any more.

Food crime. And I am as guilty as the rest of them, if not worse.

I also had a pint of beer when I should be on a two day off alcohol to rest the liver etc. but I needed it to make the food choices. Or something.

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